DCS Community Grants

Project Details

The purpose of the grants is to enhance protective factors of offenders in relation to their recidivism.  This means activities that are provided through in-reach into prisons, or in the community with the support of community corrections.

Protective factors include addressing matters such as employment, health, housing, relationships, finance and budgeting, household management, and a range of other key life skills.  DCS recognises that connection to community and meaningful activity is important. 

DCS is seeking an innovative range of supports that aim to enhance the success of people in the community and the reduction of re-offending.  

A partnership between DCS and community organisations is sought to collaborate and work together on common goals.

Two types of grants are offered for the provision of programs/services.  Both may be delivered in the community, to one or multiple prisons or Community Corrections Centres. 

  • Community Grants (up to $10,000). These are non-recourse grants and may be short term and may be specifically designed to address location or regional needs.
  • Community Program Grants (up to $40,000). These may have longer delivery timeframes or require significant investments by the funded organisation.

Grants are one-off for the programs/services specified and are not intended as a recurring funding source. 

Both grant types require demonstration of meeting defined key performance indicators and outcomes.

Project Eligibility

DCS can only provide funds to eligible organisations.  These organisations:

  • are non-government, incorporated community organisations that are not-for-profit;
  • provide social welfare and help for disadvantaged individuals, families and communities in need in South Australia;
  • have a registered Australian Business Number (ABN);
  • can be a local council if the applicant is a separately managed community group.

More information: view website.